- A shoe addiction, as strange as that sounds. Everybody in my department wears the most amazing shoes. I feel like I'm surrounded by Carrie Bradshaws.
- Nice penmanship. I send out a lot of review copies that have been requested, meaning I have to handwrite the addresses.
- A good barista. The one closest to my office is a little dodgy. Must explore area further.
- Enormous personal strength. Otherwise I will blow all of my money on expensive clothes every lunchbreak. Working two minutes away from the heart of Sydney's shopping district is difficult.
- The ability to bullshit. Writing press releases is a fine art of reworking a book's blurd into something similiar yet fresh. Add a few images, author bio and positive reviews and presto! Press release.

Week one is complete and I think I'm going to like it here. Week two lies ahead.
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