Sunday, January 23, 2011

freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose

Somebody, please give me a job.

I'm passionate, have experience working at a bookstore, literary magazine, publishing house and team assistant, as well as other things. You will not regret it. I am awesome and I want this so, so badly.

I have so many plans and ambitions for this year that can't happen until I have a proper job again and it's killing me not knowing. Perpetual employment limbo. Earning barely enough to cover bills and travel one week, then a comfortable amount the following week is frustrating. I never know how much money I'm going to have so it's impossible to plan things.

I want to move out, I want to save, I want to travel.

I swear, if I don't get at least an interview out of one of these three jobs I am going to be baffled. What do other people have that I don't?

I'm trying to distract myself with things like learning to ride a bicycle and a manual car as well as entertaining the notion of getting my motorbike licence, but my thoughts keep slipping back to the fact that I'm stuck in career hell.

If I did get a motorbike though, I think I'd buy a Honda CBR125R. It's a nice little light bike, just what I need. Being 5ft2 tall and weighing a whopping 56kg, I don't pretend I'd be able to handle a monster.

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