Every Monday I spend several hours saving PDF scans of newspaper and magazine articles that mention authors we publish. These are sent to me via email by Media Monitors and it takes a long time because each page takes a while to load and then I have to figure out which book/author is mentioned (sometimes it's a proper feature, other times a review, or even just a one-word mention in a larger article), find its folder and rename each file. I start to get hand cramps from it and so space the task out over a day or two.
I've also recently discovered that every week I am supposed to sift through newspaper clippings given to me by the receptionist, taken from the major newspapers as well as flick through the multitude of magazines (mostly gossip) and cut out any references and give them to the relevant publicist. Any that don't have a publicist I get to file.
Both of these jobs are mundane but not particularly painful. What is painful, however, is the fact that in essence I am repeating the same task. The whole point of Media Monitors is so companies don't have to spend ages cutting articles out of newspapers. I just don't understand why they get me to do both. Redundant much?
In other news, I am craving strawberries and cream.

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